Thursday, January 19, 2006

Prayer by CS Lewis

Master, they say that when I seem
To be in speech with you,
Since you make no replies, it's all a dream
­ One talker aping two.

They are half right, but not as they
Imagine; rather, I
Seek in myself the things I meant to say,
And lo! The wells are dry.

Then, seeing me empty, you forsake
The Listener's role, and through
My dead lips breathe and into utterance wake
The thoughts I never knew.

And thus you neither need reply
Nor can; thus, while we seem
Two talking, thou are One forever, and I
No dreamer, but thy dream.

Brokeback Mountain

    “The movie associates homosexuality with nature­ magnificent mountains, big sky, clear blue water, teeming forests­ as contrasted with the constraints of a tacky, empty civilization. But whether you are a creationist or a Darwinist, having children and struggling to survive are what's "natural." Leaving your family for escapist, sterile sex is literally "unnatural."

-- Gene Ed Veith, in a review of Brokeback Mountain

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Politicians are Revolting (and so should we)

I was reading with interest the latest column by 'Vox Day' at and also reading the Breakpoint column (Revolution to Revulsion), concerning the latest potential scandal with the republicans, and I have to tell you the truth, I am feeling rather convinced that we (rightly) should be rejecting political power as one way of promoting the kingdom. The power of one vote should make a difference, but I feel far too many (voters) have their heads in the sand, reacting with emotion rather than conviction or determination. Changing the mind of the nation should not be from the front pages, where Christianity, with it's problem of being made up of human sinners is held up by the secular press for all to see. Instead, it should be a behind the scenes having real conversations, one person, one neighbor, one group at a time. Who would care if legalized abortion was on the books if we were teaching our neighbors and our children the reality of this 'choice' and the grievousness of walking down that path. The same with 'choice' of lifestyles and the other choices that lead to culture condemning sin. We need not to depend on politics, but instead to stand up and properly, with the love of Christ, affect the culture around us, one person at a time.