Tuesday, August 16, 2005

I Fall Down

Shortly after I wrote my last thoughts…

I found myself cursing the job God provided me to support my family with.

I cursed my supervisor, whom was made in the image of God.

My cursing and carrying on with co-workers, damaged, not insignificantly, my Christian witness.

But Grace abounds and as I repent…

Thoughts for a friend

I cannot print his email to me, but it is filled with discouragement and visions of failure. I can print my response.

    Sometimes, when I have my Christianity thrown in my face, it is just plain old fashion resentment/persecution/self-loathing on the part of the accuser. Whether I have it coming or not, It always leads to self-examination, and sometimes (often) to correction (Confession: I tend to be very self-righteous in my walk), so that I am looking to the wisdom of Christ through the Holy Spirit to keep me on the King's Highway (as described in Bunyon's Pilgrim's Progress), discarding things that may have become idols, and as a prompter for prayer concerning my walk and how it intersects with those around me (which, when there is correction, causes new persecution/condemnation). Yes I get frustrated, angry, losing patience (behaviors that affect my witness), and I direct a lot of these emotions at myself. This is what Christ promised us (Matthew 5:11-12), especially when He talks about taking up our daily cross, and/or dying to self (Mark 8:34, Roman 7:6). It is not easy for me, and I know it is not easy for you. Pray for wisdom, as I will pray for you and your need for wisdom. Thank God for the opportunity to show Christian character despite the oppressiveness of the situation it is a part of. Sanctification is a life-long process that will never be complete until we die and stand before the throne. And there will be times we fail but we will not be disqualified (1 Corinthians 9:27), we will not be out of the race (Acts 20:24).

    Remember that 'the Word BECAME FLESH', that is, God didn't inhabit a body through Christ, but became FLESH and all that it entails, human nature in its totality: body, soul, spirit, will and emotions. Christ KNOWS what you and I and everyone else goes through. He knows our weaknesses and struggles, and he experienced not only what IT IS to be human, but what IT IS to experience the wrath of God.

    I get very frustrated here at work, and God keeps closing doors that I find open that would lead me out of here. I wasn't here 15 minutes today when I found myself struggling not to say the words to my 'boss' that would get me fired. I am still struggling not to rant and rave to my co-workers about this perceived insult/offense to my person and abilities. Last week I wanted a separation from my wife, not a divorce, but separate living quarters I could go to get away from her and the stress that she causes me. Satan constantly whispers in my ears and I need to constantly focus on Christ, even when I am 'right' and the others are wrong. Once asking his mother (Susanna Wesley) for a definition of sin, John Wesley received a response fit for theology books. "Take this rule," she wrote to John. "Whatever weakens your reason, impairs the tenderness of your conscience, obscures your sense of God, or takes off your relish of spiritual things; in short, whatever increases the strength and authority of your body over your mind, that thing is sin to you, however innocent it may be in itself."

    I think I wrote enough. I hope this is an encouragement, and if not, then know that I do keep you in Prayer.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

What is a Real Christian?

A friend sent me an article about an interview with U2's Bono, and how Bono relies on the Grace of Christ over Karma where he states that he would be in big trouble "if Karma was going to finally be my judge. It doesn't excuse my mistakes, but I'm holding out for Grace. I'm holding out that Jesus took my sins onto the Cross, because I know who I am, and I hope I don't have to depend on my own religiosity." These are the words of a man known for "his notoriously bad language, liberal politics, and rock star antics."

Wise words, but are they the words of someone who is saved? My initial thoughts were this; They (U2) have always proclaim themselves a 'Christian' band their very beginnings. Of course, I wonder how we are suppose to know this when they are indistinguishable from culture in their personal behavior. While Bono may be depending on the grace set forth by Christ to cover his sins, where does the process of sanctification show up in his life, especially since it is so public? They (U2) certainly do a lot of charitable things and promote awareness for causes that include injustice, poverty and hunger, but I have never, except for a occasional article heard Bono promote Christ. Doesn't he believe that Christ should be the first place those in trouble should turn, or that it is in the name of Christ  and not Bono/U2 he should promotes his many causes?

Sam Storm, in his book Pleasures Forevermore, talks about our need to focus firmly and diligently on Christ to overcome sinful behavior, especially when we talk about our so-called 'pet' sins. He talks about the prophet Isaiah's encounter with God in Isaiah 6:1-8. Isaiah, a prophet in God's service, obedient, a man of integrity, reduced to terror as realization of  his own sinfulness rushes to destroy him in the presence of God,  who is the absolute standard of holiness. Strive as we might, we can only pretend to know what that standard might looks like. If we were even close in approaching an idea on that magnificent standard, we would destroy ourselves. That is why Christ is needed as mediator between God and man. That is why His blood is the substance that saves us from what we will experience when we find ourselves in the presence of our Creator, our one and only God. If we are unaware of the how and why of Christ, can we still claim Him as our own? Does Paul's words concerning the fruit of the Spirit concern our public faith or just private (personal) faith? Does Christ not promise us rejection by the world in exchange for faith? Sounds like public faith to me.

Another email I received, was a bunch of cute quotes from children as they write letters and notes addressed to God. We have all come across these letters, especially if we use Email. Letters such as Dear God, Thank you for the baby brother but what I asked for was a puppy. I never asked for anything before. You can look it up. Joyce or Dear God, did you mean for giraffes to look like that or was it an accident? Norma. The Bible talks about us having faith like a child, and these 'letters' clearly show us what child-like faith could look like. These kids responded to God in the contents of what they knew concerning God, there was no great issues of ideology, theology, cultural warfare or a losing battle with pride in these letters. These letter writers do have a ways to go, and the Word of God should be the only true instruction manual, along with Godly parent(s), but these kids will not go very far without reading the Word of God. How can their faith be maintained? For "… faith comes from hearing, and hearing, the word of God ..." (Romans 10:17). How can our own walk be true without knowing what the Word of God teaches concerning true faith and the expectations that come with it.

I have an Uncle, who left his wife and is living with an ex-priest (male), who will still claim the Cross as his own. The bible addresses such, and it is not I who would judge him except in the content of what the Bible teaches concerning our fruit, and the folly of our reliance on the wisdom of man.  Anyway, I hope  (his dependence on Christ) is true in Bono life, but he has a lot to learn concerning the Christian walk, or the need to be readily identified in Christ. From where I sit, Bono (as well as my Uncle) are still depending on their own religiosity.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

We learn to praise God, not by paying compliments, but by paying attention. - Frederick Buechner

Monday, August 08, 2005

Korn guitarist leaves band to pursue relationship with Jesus Christ

Korn guitarist leaves band to pursue relationship with Jesus Christ

According to several news sources, Korn guitarist Brian "Head" Welch has left the multi-platinum band, because of a newfound relationship with Jesus Christ.

According to an official statement from the band Welch "has chosen Jesus Christ as his savior, and will be dedicating his musical pursuits to that end. Korn respects Brian's wishes, and hopes he finds the happiness he's searching for."

Welch, unhappy with the direction of the band, reportedly submitted a written "letter of resignation" to the band's management, citing various moral objections, including the band's most recent music video for "Word Up," in which his face is superimposed onto a dog patrolling a strip club, according to MTV news.

According to an article on MTV.com, Welch told a radio station in Bakersfield, California during an interview on Sunday, "I can go up there and play those songs and those solos but ... I distanced myself from Korn for probably a year and a half, two years. I just wanted to fade away, it was crazy. I was so gone. But I found my way out and I want to help anyone that wants to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I had to go through the lows to appreciate the highs and it's not perfect but it's damn near."

Welch reportedly plans to further explain his decision to his home church congregation in California this Sunday and hopes to release an album later this year. Korn has expressed its intentions to continue as a band without him.