Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Random thoughts

  • Illusion is the opposite of magic.
  • Everyone wants to be fancy and new, not themselves. People want to be different from what they are.
  • Pastors; most are salesmen trying to trick the congregation into believing Jesus would make you new. Others sell God and never ever listen, never care, just wanting to sell the product.
  • Bible stories are NOT for kids. Settings, conflict, climax, and resolution. Climax is the point of decision that determines the end of the story.
  • Jesus became us (that is human) so that we can see and understand. Like prisoners that are brutalized, if the rescuer comes and does the same thing as the guards, we are unlikely to follow to freedom, BUT, if the rescue does the things our guards won't, we will pay attention.
  • When it comes to Christian spirituality, we do not see a children story. The story is not cute or neat, it is mystical, odd and clean even when reaching into the dirty.
  • How can I fully love someone/everyone all the same, even those who reject God. How do I get rid of all the tension?
  • True love turns the other cheek
  • Christianity; the same religion that generated the crusades, fund the republicans or fathers religious television?
  • Talk about God as if they knew Him=m, as if they had talked with Him that very day on the phone. Not ashamed!
  • Always afraid of what people will think? Try eating chocolate, smoke a cigarette and read the bible.
  • Concerning Jesus. There were people he loved and people who he got really mad at. I tend to identify with the people he loved, which are good, because they were the ones who were broken. People who are tired of life and want to be done with it, desperate people, outcasts, pagan.


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